External HDD

As opposed to internal hard drives, an external hard drive is not housed within your computer. Through USB connections, they allow a computer to access external, portable storage. There are various sizes and types of external hard drives available, and some even allow the use of wireless networking in order to store information across multiple computers. Basically, these external storage devices are used to store your important data as backup or transfer it to other devices.

Difference between external hard drive and SSD External HDD

Difference between external hard drive and SSD

When it comes to storage, there are a lot of options to choose from....

By Wasim Cheema
Why is my laptop saying hard drive not installed? External HDD

Why is my laptop saying hard drive not installed?

when your laptop says that your hard drive isn't installed, it's a pretty scary...

By Wasim Cheema
Why external hard drive making noise External HDD

Why external hard drive making noise

External hard drive making noise can come from a variety of sources. In this...

By Wasim Cheema